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Media Code of Conduct

Organising Guide Media Code of Conduct

WorldSkills Europe outwardly encourages and promotes all aspects of the EuroSkills event, especially Competition press and media coverage. The following Media Code of Conduct outlines the expected behaviour from members of the media who have been accredited by WorldSkills Europe and allowed to operate on-site just before, during and just after a EuroSkills event.

For the purpose of this Media Code of Conduct – media includes reporters, journalists, photographers, and film crews.

  • All media attending the EuroSkills Competition need to be accredited and ensure that their media accreditation badge/lanyard is visible at all times. All media are also subject to the WorldSkills Europe Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Competition Rules. In particular, section B.12 “Issue and Dispute Resolution” and section B.10 “Filming and Photographing at the Competition. Code of Conduct – Competitor access and Workshop Access”.
  • No photographing or filming of a Competitor should take place that may be deemed to interfere with or hinder the performance of the Competitor in the Competition, (i.e. standing or positioning filming, photography, recording equipment too close – less than 1 metre – from the Competitor).
  • Media may take photos and film from outside the workshop (competition area) without any prior approval. Even here, accreditation badges must be visible at all times. If any member of the media is considered to be acting inappropriately or suspiciously, they may be asked by an Expert or member of the WorldSkills Europe Secretariat to refrain from their activity and move away from the area. On request, media are obliged to comply fully with questions and requests from the Experts or WorldSkills Europe Secretariat.
  • No media can enter a workshop during the Competition without receiving prior approval from the Chief Expert / Deputy Chief Expert for each skill competition. If permission is granted, any filming, photography, or interview that takes place inside a workshop (competition area) must take place from pre-agreed positions that the Chief Expert / Deputy Chief Expert says is acceptable and for a duration of time that they stipulate. Failure to comply to the Chief Expert’s wishes will mean that media will be instructed to leave the workshop immediately.
  • No media can enter a workshop (competition area) during breaks in the Competition without obtaining the explicit permission of the Chief Expert for that skill competition. As above, specific ‘shots’ or ‘angles’ are to be organised in discussion with the Chief Expert of the skill competition, the compatriot Expert, and the Competitor.
  • No media can communicate with a Competitor without the explicit permission of the Chief Expert for that skill competition and the compatriot Expert.
  • No media are to enter the ‘personal work space’ of a Competitor (i.e. for ‘close-up’ photography/filming) without the explicit permission of the Chief Expert for that skill competition and the compatriot Expert.

    Competitor access outside the workshop (competition area)

    Any media interviews with Competitors must be organised and approved via the relevant Member Country’s Team Leader and the appointed Communications Officer representing the Member Country organisation (e.g. WorldSkills Belgium).

    There is a zero tolerance rule against non-compliance to the Media Code of Conduct; failure to comply is likely to result in the media accreditation being removed and revoked.

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