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The butcher must be the best meat specialist. He must be able to distinguish their types, origin and quality without any problems. His job is to prepare the meat properly before it is further processed or prepared for a specific dish. The process consists of primary butchery (the initial preparation of the chilled carcass) and secondary butchery (the preparation of pre-treated meat for a specific order).

This profession requires very good hand-eye coordination, confidence in movement, precision and attention to all details. A good butcher has mastered all health and safety rules to perfection, but also pays particular attention to health issues - inadequately stored or poorly prepared meat can endanger the health of the consumer.

Butchers must also keep abreast of culinary trends - it is to these that he adapts his techniques and chooses his tools. He must be familiar with all technological innovations, new processing and production methods. He is a key figure in the production chain of meat dishes.

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