Electude: A new way of learning
Most technical students prefer hands-on learning. Therefore, Electude provides a discovery- based, interac;ve learning experience that empowers instructors, mo;vates students, and makes learning happen. Students complete online exercises, tests and quizzes. Scores are automa;cally kept for individual students and groups, saving teachers valuable ;me to do what they do best. Teaching.

Discover a new way of learning that is inspired by the need of students. Electude’s courses u;lise gamifica;on principles and highly interac;ve resources, like anima;ons and simula;ons. This creates a discovery-based environment that keeps students engaged. Forma;ve assessments on every screen ensure understanding before the learner is permiGed to advance to the next level.
- Save ;me with selfgraded assessments
- Personalise courses with modular lessons
- Include problemsolving in all lessonsInstructors have a wealth of customisable resources at their finger;ps, including the ability to gather detailed group and individual analy;cs, and teach using the most up-to-date technical informa;on available. Our Learning Management System is built so teachers can have the freedom to put together their own curriculum and even build their own lessons. Experience a reimagined way of learning, and let poten;al fly!
Whether your class is held in a classroom, online, or in a blended format, we are confident Electude will keep your students focused and engaged in learning automo;ve technology!
- Used in 70 countries
- Over 870.000 students
- Over 50.000 instructors
- Over 4.000 educa;onal ins;tu;ons