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Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care

A healthcare worker is responsible for the comfort of the patient at every stage of his or her illness, as well as ensuring that the doctor's orders are properly carried out. He or she must be able to work in a variety of environments: clinics, private hospitals, as well as in clients' homes or nursing homes.

This worker takes care of the patient's health, and physical and psychosocial well-being, and is often responsible for his rehabilitation, development and positive recovery. He or she must work by proper planning based on the care program ordered by the doctor.

Communication and interpersonal skills, problem-solving, creativity, good work organization and self-management are crucial here. Due to the nature of this profession, a high degree of empathy, the ability to understand the needs of patients, and a commitment to improving their quality of life are particularly important.

In this profession, the greatest responsibility lies with individuals, who must be characterized by personal responsibility and autonomy in decision-making. Every decision is of great importance, and a wrong decision can hurt the patient's health.

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