Graphic Design Technology
Graphic Design Technology
Graphic Design Technology is a combination of many different skills: design, art, typography, illustration, typesetting, printing, and publishing. The final product of designers’ work is graphic design for both online and printed publications or even an entire set of visual identity materials.
The Graphic Design Technology team can be created from a variety of specialists: graphic designer, graphic artist, typographer, prepress operator, typesetter, type designer, illustrator, art director, image manipulation specialist, production manager, digital printer, information designer, packaging specialist or publisher.
The team works closely with the client from the planning stage through all aspects of the creation and printing process. People in this industry must be strong communicators so that they can achieve clients’ desired results. They require strong research, design and technical skills and need to understand the target audience, markets, trends and cultural differences.
After completing the planning stage, a project is interpreted to form a design usually in industry-specific software. The design must meet the correct technical specifications for printing or online publication. Graphic designers also may be asked to re-design or update a design.
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